Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lawmaker sees TSA skip potential terrorist to pat down old woman and child

"Man is not free unless government is limited." Ronald Reagan

Thought the TSA was there to provide safety? Evidently, they are in place to practice political correctness to the Nth degree.

According to an article from The Hill, a U.S. Congressman from Georgia and a member of the House Homeland Security Committee, Representative Paul Broun, watched as TSA patted down a grandmother. She must have really been a threat to the safety of that airplane. I mean, she might have had an automatic weapon hidden in her Depends.

Then, he watched as TSA thwarted yet another potential disaster when a young child was groped, fondled, and search thoroughly in order to ensure that no explosive or corrosive materials were secreted away in their panties.

Finally, the Congressman watched as an Arab looking man, dressed as an Arab, probably speaking Arabic and muttering, "Allah Akbahr" or whatever pitiful saying they do right before they kill someone, walked right through security without so much as a second glance. Now, why is that?

I can only assume that the TSA would be in really hot water if they were to grope or fondle the genitals of a for-freaking-real "potential" terrorist! They would be sued by the Arab League, the Muslim Brotherhood, the ACLU, and probably even that other terrorists organization, the SEIU!

According to Rep. Broun:
"We have to identify those people — we do that through human intelligence, we do that by trying to get into the inner circle. Focus upon those individuals, not on the general public. Unfortunately, I think the Department of Homeland Security has been focusing on the general public and have been afraid of political correctness. We've got to forget political correctness, we've got to start focusing on those people who want to harm us as a nation."
I agree with him. It is time that the FEDERALES stop abusing Americans' Fourth Amendment rights by fondling any and every one they want EXCEPT those most likely to wish us harm.

Now, do I think all Muslims want to harm us? Of course not! Only the lower 95% of the Islamic populations throughout the world do!

Are all Arabs Islamic? Pretty darned near all of them.
Area all Muslims Arabs? Not by a long shot.
Do I care? Not really.

Start profiling on the damned people most likely to want to harm us. But get the hell away from my genitals, you perverted swine!

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