Monday, May 23, 2011

My take of some of the 'potential' Republican candidates for 2012 Presidential Race

Read an interesting article at this morning trying to describe how the Republican party's potential list of candidates for President in 2012 was not necessarily weak. He used all of the elections cycles since 1964 to demonstrate that the GOP just has another group of candidates, just like all the other elections.

Well, maybe the GOP has a group of candidates but I don't necessarily believe that it is a *strong* group.

Here's who he listed as candidates: Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, Herman Cain of Georgia, Newt Gingrich of Georgia, Jon Huntsman of Utah, Gary Johnson of New Mexico, Ron Paul of Texas, Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota, Mitt Romney of Massachusetts, and Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania. I think there are three other potentials he doesn't list: Rick Perry of Texas, Chris Christie of New Jersey, and Sarah Palin of Alaska.

Here is my list of candidates who should just go away, quietly, but just go away.
  • Newt Gingrich - because who wants a President with the name of an amphibian? And why is he pro-climate warming when the evidence definitely does NOT support him? Plus, his personal life will tear up the real conservatives.
  • Rick Santorum - because he is too much like McCain. I don't think he is as conservative as some say he really is.
  • Mitt Romney - because he did ObamaCare in Massachusetts (called RomneyCare) and I don't think he is man enough to see the total error of his ways.
  • Jon Huntsman - but he already did that himself.
  • Gary Johnson - another one who I don't believe is a real conservative.
  • Rick Perry, Chris Christie - both of whom have said they aren't running and I believe them. Perry is a little too slick for me but Christie seems hard-nosed enough to really be conservative in DC.
In this pack, the only dog that I see that hunts is Herman Cain. He is a businessman, did not go to an Ivy League school, and has NO experience in Washington. Plus, he talks a really good, down to earth, speech. The only disadvantage he has is the fact that Obamanation has really hurt the US public in race relations (seriously) and since Cain finds himself black when he looks in the mirror, it may hurt him.

But I believe in conservatives and right now, since JC Watts won't run, Hermain Cain should be the Republicans choice.

As we all know, however, the final candidate will be the one who raises the most MONEY! It has nothing to do with beliefs, values, or knowledge; just who can bring the bucks. Sad, but true.

McCain got the nomination in 2008 because everyone else dropped out even BEFORE I HAD A CHOICE here in Texas. And he was one poor candidate.

I only hope Mitt or Newt or Tim doesn't win the candidacy simply because they have more money but I am a realist. We won't have a conservative President in 2012 simply because the money won't be there.

Oh, well. The sooner I get off of the grid, the better.

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