Our Federales government is out of control.
Here's how each of these SO CALLED conservatives communicated to their constituents on why it was such a good bill.
Senator John Cornyn, Texas
Press Release issued Aug 01, 2011 via http://cornyn.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=NewsReleases&ContentRecord_id=8c626a84-2ca5-4925-8fc7-bc59184adc11
WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) a member of the Senate Budget Committee, today announced he will support the Budget Control Act of 2011 and released this statement:Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, Texas
“Last November the message from the American people was crystal clear: end reckless, out-of-control spending and return fiscal sanity to Washington. The American people made their voices heard, and their impact has been monumental.
“In his initial request to raise the debt ceiling, the President insisted on a blank check for more spending, demanded higher taxes on job creators, and shunned the idea of a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution. Today this proposal cuts spending, does not raise taxes on Texans, and guarantees a vote on a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution.
“This proposal is far from perfect, but it is a step in the right direction and I will support it because it serves as an important benchmark towards fundamentally changing the debate in Washington, as the American people asked for last November.”
Press Release issued Aug 2, 2011 via http://hutchison.senate.gov/?p=press_release&id=726
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) released the following statement after the Senate's vote on the Budget Control Act of 2011 (S. 365):US Congressman Mike Conaway, District 11, Texas
"We're in the midst of an intense, national debate on the size and direction of our government. The Senate vote today endorsed an agreement that, while not perfect, makes serious spending cuts, with no tax increases, and moves us in the right direction. While I would have liked to see more cuts and stronger measures to reform entitlement programs, this agreement is a framework for deeper reductions in the next few months. Most importantly, this bill sets a new precedent in Washington: the days of limitless deficit spending are over."
Press Release issued Aug 01, 2011 via http://www.cbs7kosa.com/news/details.asp?ID=27788
Washington, DC – Today, Congressman Mike Conaway (R-TX) voted yes on S.365, the amended Budget Control Act of 2011.Now, I wonder if they read it. I know that the Republicans broke their own promise - again. This time, they hurriedly went through the vote yesterday without allowing 3 days online for public review. I just finished going through it today and about 50% of it makes little or no sense while the remaining 50% sounds fishy. In case you are interested, you can read the text of the bill here at http://blogs.suntimes.com/sweet/DEBT_016_xml.pdf. At least until it is taken down.
“Seven months ago, Americans across the nation made their voices heard; tired of Washington’s free spending ways, the nation elected a new majority focused on cutting up the federal credit cards and dedicated to bringing down the debt and deficit threatening our children’s future,” said Congressman Conaway.
“Today, at the eleventh hour, these voices echoed across the House gallery as Members voted to cut federal discretionary spending for two straight years.
“We still have a long way to go to bring this deficit under control, but this vote was an important step.
“While this deal is not perfect, it shows how much House Republicans have changed the culture in Washington and paved the way for bigger changes.
“In January, Republicans made clear that raising the debt ceiling was out of the question unless proposed legislation included spending cuts larger than the debt limit hike, protected Americans from tax increases, and required both Houses to vote on a Balanced Budget Amendment. Over the past few months, our demands seemed to fall on deaf ears. Now, at the precipice of financial crisis, the President and Democrats in Congress have decided to listen, and in doing so have come to terms with a deal that will cut and cap spending and pave the way for a vote on a balanced budget amendment.”
Take a moment and see if you can understand much of that garbage. Go ahead. I'll wait. .... .... .... .... .... OK. Did you understand all of it? Did you understand most of it? Did you understand at least 10% of it?
I called each of my representatives to let them know how disappointed I was in their vote on this particular bill but I really doubt any one of them cares about us simple folk.
It's almost time.
Don't Tread On Me
They Can Have My Gun When They Pry It From My Cold Dead Fingers
Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death
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