Thursday, March 12, 2009

Laymen's Second Amendment

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Now, that sounds really simple, doesn't it? I guess if I were to write it today, I'd have to put an 'and' right there in between 'a free state, and the right of the people' in order to clarify the meaning to those anti-gun folks.

Before you go off and explode and start yelling at me about how guns kill billions of American children every year, let me say that I do believe there should be some restrictions on selling, owning, and carrying firearms.

First, non-US citizens should NOT be given the Right to buy, own, or carry firearms in the United States unless said non-US citizen has a valid, current, legitimate Visa and is in the US to hunt. Hunters should be able to bring in their own weapons or rent weapons here. Those non-US citizens who are here illegally, are here on Student Visas, or are here on a business trip should NOT be granted Rights as if they were US citizens. (BTW, this really applies to EACH and EVERY Right. Non-citizens should NOT be granted our Rights. If they want the Rights, they should emigrate from their country LEGALLY).

Second, convicted felons lose their Right to legally purchase firearms. They also lose their Right to vote. If the felon has truly paid his/her debt to society and wants to get the Right to vote returned, we should also grant the Right to bear arms. They should go hand in hand with each other.

Third, just because a person had a bad year and was depressed for a while does not give Congress, the ATF (or BATF) the right to stop you from buying a handgun.

The first signs of a true fascist state is when they start taking the weapons away from the people. That way, the people (peasants) won't be able to revolt and have a chance to succeed.

Here in Texas we do have a militia called the Texas State Guard. Once you join this organization, you have to PROVIDE YOUR OWN WEAPON since the Government does not provide one for you. I hope that all Texas citizens join the State Guard. You can visit them at to see if you are interested. They are called up during times of extreme crisis to help Texas citizens and supplement the Texas National Guard.

Now, having said that, I should remind you that I have a Texas Concealed Handgun License. In a future article, I'll try to explain my views on why Texas has had some of the most draconian handgun laws (IMHO) of all of the States.

The 2nd Amendment is clearly an individual Right. The only reason to Ban assault rifles is to ensure the populace does not have the means for an uprising against a demonic federal government. Gun control laws only mean law-abiding citizens lose their Constitutional Right to bear arms. Gun control laws only mean criminals obtain guns. Gun control laws imply that law enforcement is proactive whereas all data indicate law enforcement activities are reactive.

Although a worn cliche, "They can have my gun when they pry it from my cold, dead fingers."

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