Thursday, May 26, 2011

Things that make you go - Why are governments out of control?

First off, let's look at some of the out-of-control federal spending cited by Senator Tom Coburn. How about the National Science Foundation?
  • The NSF spent $500,000 of taxpayer money to research shrimp using a treadmill. Seriously? How do they even get the damn things on the treadmill?
  • Next, the NSF spent $1,500,000 of taxpayer money to create a robot that can fold a single towel in only 25 minutes! Really? Too lazy to fold their own towel?
  • The NSF has, for the past 20 years, been renting a building for $19 MILLION a year! The lease is up so the NSF decided to relocate - to a building that will cost them $26 MILLION a year to rent! Clowns.

Obviously, the NSF believes the taxpayers' resources are unlimited.

Then there is a proposal that New York high school curriculum include lessons on what mothers can do if they give birth to a baby they don't want. Er, what? Yep, the officials (Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes, State Senator Eric Adams and State Assemblyman Hakim Jeffries) propose that students be taught the safe haven laws. I have a better idea. Teach the young kids to not have unwanted babies! What do you think about that?

And one of my favorite FEDERALES organizations, the infamous and mis-named Department of Justice (DoJ), stepped in and stopped a legally sanctioned execution of convicted child rapist and murderer, Donald Beaty. How did they do this? They merely told the state of Arizona that one of the execution protocol drug, sodium thipental, was ILLEGALLY obtained from an overseas manufacturer since the drug was no longer made in the US. Maybe they thought the drug might actually contain lead or some cancer causing agents. Maybe it was even, perish the thought, manufactured in China! Richard Dieter, the executive director of the Death Penalty Information Center says that the FEDERALES are doing enough about the imports and raises questions "to the quality of the drug that was obtained." The rapist committed his crime in 1985. Don't you think it's high time that young girl's family got their justice?

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