Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ignored again

I'm getting really tired of either being completely ignored or being treated as a backward-thinking rube. "You don't understand the reality of Washington." Now that really pisses me off.

First off, let's start by saying that Washington is OUT OF CONTROL! When all I hear is  
"While this deal is not perfect ..." (Press release from US Congressman Mike Conaway, TX, 11th)

“This proposal is far from perfect, but it is a step in the right direction..." (Press release from US Senator John Cornyn, Aug 1, 2011)
"The Senate vote today endorsed an agreement that, while not perfect, ... " (Press release from US Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson Aug 2, 2011)
I become annoyed. I call my Senators and my Representative. You are absolutely right that this deal is NOT PERFECT. In fact, if you ask me, this deal is NOT ACCEPTABLE!

Our representatives have deftly, in one incomprehensible bill, given the Progressive Liberal Socialists in our Federales government everything they wanted. To wit, the debt ceiling was raised and projected to have a $10 Trillion debt increase. Oh, wait, that's right. We got almost $2 Trillion cut!!!! Yippee! Now the debt is only going to increase by $8 Trillion! Wow, we really showed them, didn't we?

So now we have yet another committee that is going to get together and make the really tough decisions. Just like that other committee that the President so studiously avoided. But this time, it'll be different! Yep, no way the Senate can filibuster it. And the Speaker must allow it to go to vote. And only needs simple majority to pass. Who is to say Gun Control won't be in it? Or tax increases? Sorry, I meant "revenues" or "balanced approach". Silly and, in my simple mind, a complete tossing of everything the Constitution means by representation!

It is time for the size of the Federales government to shrink. Too much power concentrated there. Too much abuse. Too many departments, agencies, and czars making regulations with the force of law in DIRECT contradiction of our Constitution. If the Federales take you to court, YOU WILL LOSE! 

My three representatives have ignored me, both before and after this vote. They are only thinking of Washington reality - not the reality in the rest of the country.

I can barely wait until all three of these (Conaway, Cornyn, and Hutchinson) are no longer representing me. Maybe next ones will a) have a backbone and b) be a real Conservative. 

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