Saturday, April 24, 2010

Arizona and Illegal Immigration

I spent some time reading the recently passed law in Arizona that is getting a whole lot of press recently (Senate Bill 1070 available at I decided to make sure I understand what the bill says instead of relying on some Federales or leftist interpretation.

No where in the bill did I notice anything saying that the police should use ‘racial profiling’ in support of this new law. In fact, the degenerate … sorry, the poor soul who just happens to have broken a US FEDERAL LAW by being in this country illegally, will probably never even be asked to prove citizenship. You see, it’s against US FEDERAL LAW to be in Arizona without approval from our Federales. So, of course, those CRIMINALS will never even have the chance to be in Arizona.

But just in case they slip through the cracks at our International Border Crossings (I’m just saying), then they won’t be able to get any work because of all of the in-depth checking done by our Federales and the e-verify system.

Sorry, got a little off-track. The Arizona law starts off by saying “…compelling interest in the cooperative enforcement of federal immigration laws throughout all of Arizona.” Seems to me that our Southwest neighbor is just trying to help The Anointed One from having another crisis to deal with. Oh, wait. POTUS BHO wants another crisis. Remember Rahm Emanuel said, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”  What better way to generate another “serious crisis” than to have a state and the Federales have a Constitutional issue to deal with.

See, here’s one area I have issue with Arizona’s law. The US Constitution clearly states in the Preamble to “provide for the common defense” and, brother, securing our borders is providing for the common defense. So, does this mean that the Arizona law usurps the Federales’ Constitutionally-mandated job of “providing for the common defense?” I’m sure that POTUS BHO and his incompetent Attorney General, Eric Holder, will tell the state and citizens of Arizona that the Federales will take care of this “serious crisis.”

Know what they are going to do? He he, yep! They are going to give every single stinking one of them AMNESTY and say, “Yuk. Yuk. No more illegals! Yep. Yep.” And then say, “Hey, sign up for that FREE Healthcare that ObamaCare is providing you now that you are legal and don’t have to work another friggin’ day in your life!”

Seriously, the new law is clear and even provides protection to motorists. You can’t stop and pick up day-workers anymore if you block traffic. Nice! Plus, once the police do pick up an illegal in the state, they (the illegal, not the police) are transferred to Federales custody.

Oh, BTW, when the illegals are arrested for a crime, they will have to serve all of the time and THEN get sent to the Federales to get deported.

Sure could use some of this sanity in California, New Mexico, and Texas. Of course, I’m sure North Dakota has a real problem with illegal Canadians.

Why do we care if illegals are getting into our country so easily? Well, let me see … how about 9/11? Remember that day? How many Islamic Extremists are entering our country every day? I don't know and, you know what, neither do the Federales!

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