Monday, April 26, 2010

Oh, boy! Another serious crisis for the Demoncrats to pounce on!

Remember that our current Federales administration never wants to lose the opportunity that a ‘serious crisis’ presents? It just gets better and better all of the time.

SERIOUS CRISIS #1: Arizona’s new immigration law is the perfect vehicle for our Socialist Federales to ram through their amnesty for illegals. Plus, the current court action concerning the city of Farmers Branch, TX, and their law making it a crime to rent property to illegals is another Demoncrat tailor-made reason to say everyone who wishes to observe the law of the land is a RACIST pig.

SERIOUS CRISIS #2: The recent mine accident in West Virginia is yet again a pristine ‘serious crisis’ for POTUS BHO and the Federales to intrude further into private industry. The Anointed One said, “a failure … of management” and called for more Federales ‘oversight’ nationwide. So, our compliant Congress is already ‘hard at work’ trying to write a new, comprehensive Federales take-over of the mining industry even though no one is actually saying that.

SERIOUS CRISIS #3: Well, this one is a bit difficult to understand. Evidently, greedy, racist war-mongering capitalists are too well-off and Secretary of the Treasurer, Timothy ‘Tax cheater’ Geithner, is pushing for global rules on derivatives. The more I read about this the more confused I become. But, it now appears that the economic “serious crisis” that we’ve had for a couple of years is now back on the forefront. More Federales rules and regulations. That’s all we need.

SERIOUS CRISIS #4: Banks. They SUCK according to POTUS BHO and his lackeys. Now, the Federales are pushing for new, world-wide “FEES” on banks. Too bad that the United Nations is also wanting to do this. Just another form of TAX but this one will enrich both the Federales AND the UN. Expect to see more of your money leaving your control soon.

SERIOUS CRISIS #5: Wall Street are BAD people. They don’t care about the under-privileged, the unemployed, minorities, illegal aliens … you know, Obama supporters. So, the Federales want to put a stop to the Wall Street way of life and make sure all investments are RISK-FREE! That’s almost like FREE HEALTHCARE and FREE MONEY, isn’t it? You know what RISK-FREE means? It means no one will invest their money in anything if there is no way to ‘increase’ your investment. The beginning of the end of the financial institutions of a free market society.

SERIOUS CRISIS #6: Climate change. You know, used to be called Global Warming but that was confusing the proletariat too much. Even though the bill for Global Warming has been put off by the Senate, you can bet your bottom dollar that Obama will be campaigning (oh, sorry, governing) about it soon.

Every time Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Geithner, Holder, Sharpton (who, BTW, is ready to go to Arizona to begin ‘civil disobedience’ to protest the immigration law), and others open their mouths lately, we have another SERIOUS CRISIS that presents too good an opportunity to miss.

Many more come to mind but I’m just not willing to think about them right now. Must be developing some of that apathy.

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