Thursday, May 5, 2011

One year later

UPDATE: I received an answer from my Congressman about my specific issue. Here it is:

"Thank you for contacting me to share your comments regarding the Federal Reserve's proposed rule on debit card interchange fees. This is an important issue that could affect every consumer, whether or not they realize it.

The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, commonly known as the Dodd-Frank Act was a financial overhaul of gross proportion. This misguided piece of legislation will not solve our economic problems; it will just prolong the rehabilitation of our economy. I voted against the Dodd-Frank Act last year which directed the Federal Reserve to implement regulations to cap interchange fees.
Interchange fees affect credit unions, merchants, consumers and credit card companies. Working with all of these different entities makes for a complex and challenging issue. There is growing concern the Federal Reserve's proposed interchange rule will have a negative impact on consumer choice and harm lending institutions like community banks, credit unions, and other lenders that Congress sought to protect in the original law.
Please know that I will keep your comments in mind as this issue is debated in the coming weeks and brought to the House floor. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again. { Information removed. Just plain old 'all about me' and 'go see my stuff at my website' things. }


K. Michael Conaway
Member of Congress

One year ago today, I wrote that I would starting a new plan of action to help change the future. Basically, I was going to write my county commissioner, state rep, governor, US Rep, and US Senators. I was going to tell them that my taxes were too high and they should reduce spending. (See original post here.)

I wrote my county commissioner. He replied within hours. I stated that he and the other commissioners should look at making cuts in spending and I actually made some specific recommendations. The result? He wrote me back and pretty much told me to shut up since I didn't know the 'real' problems for the county. Beside, most of the county budget is mandated by the state. Oh?

I wrote my state senator but moved before I got a response. Guess I'll have to try my reps from my new home.

I wrote the governor and stated my opinion that the budget needed to be cut with some specific items. I got a form reply that really didn't address my concerns at all.

I wrote my US Representative (before I moved). Also got a form letter as a reply. I wrote my US Representative (in my new location) and have not received a reply (it's been 5 weeks since I wrote).

I have written both of my US Senators several times. Most of the time, KBH sends a form letter reply that may or may not even be about my concern. Senator C. sends me an answer about 3/4 of the time and usually has something in the reply addressing my concern.

So, one year later, the Federales government continues to oppressively tax me, the state government is working on a budget that actually dips into our Rainy Day Funds, and county governments don't even know the economy sucks as they continue to raise sales tax and property tax rates.

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