Thursday, April 26, 2012

No Drug Testing for Unions - Violates 4th Amendment. But what about TSA?

Good for the goose, it should be good for the gander.

Breaking news in Florida where the American Civil Liberties Union and a government worker's union filed a lawsuit last year challenging the Florida governor's order to drug test state employees. The ACLU says the testing violates the Fourth Amendment by subjecting state workers to an unreasonable search without adequate suspicion that they used drugs. (See this NBC Channel 6 report.)

Now, think about the groping, grabbing, intimidation, sexual assault, assault, threats, and strong arm tactics used by the Transportation Safety Administration, the TSA. Why doesn't the ACLU file a suit stating,
"The TSA's methods and methodologies for forcing every passenger to undergo full body scans and/or aggressive probing and/or touching of genital areas violates the Fourth Amendment by subjecting potential passengers to an unreasonable search without adequate suspicion that they are terrorist or intend to harm people or destroy aircraft, trains, buses, fairies, and/or any other form of public/private transportation."

I personally see no difference in these two instances. So why do we allow our Constitutional rights become meaningless?

Don't Tread On ME!

You Can Have My Gun When You Pry It From My Cold, Dead Fingers

I do solemnly swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Don't let the Constitution die! The time is nearing. Be prepared.

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