Now that the House of Non-representatives voted to pass to President Anointed One the Health Uncaring Bill, and he will sign the bill tomorrow, the country took its first step towards Socialism.
The Statist have won this battle. I cannot believe that it actually occurred during my life time. Our Federales are now on the path towards less individual liberty and more intrusion into our daily lives.
Now is the time to go out and buy as many guns (preferably handguns and shotguns) and ammunition that we can afford to buy. We might even want to buy some reloading equipment and stockpile the powder and bullets we'll need to reload our spent cartridges.
The House of Non-representatives ignored 70% of Americans in passing this monstrosity. I now consider EVERY Non-representative who voted for this to be persona non Grata in my house, my neighborhood, my city, my state, and, I hope soon, my new country. Texas MUST secede from this Socialist (soon, Communist) country.
I will vote in the November election. However, I will no longer look at the candidates stand on anything. If I see a "D" after their name, I will vote for the other one - even if the choice is between a Demoncrat and a Communist. At least the Communist is honest in their goals.
I may be taken off of blogspot soon. You know how that will happen? President Hussein will read the teleprompter and spew garbage about me (and my ilk) being UNAMERICAN because I don't like his politics. Since I'm a veteran, white, living in the South, own guns, don't believe the terrorists should be tried in our courts, believe in God, am anti-killing-babies (Pro Life), and believe in personal liberty; all of the Fascists in Washington will find some reason to eliminate any voice of dissent. Remember Germany in 1933? We are headed in that direction.
Next on their agenda: take away our guns.
Then, stop our protests.
Then, increase taxes again.
Then, imprision dissenters.
Then, .......
Well, let's just say I doubt I'll be around for that round of restrictive (and NON-CONSTITUTIONAL) legislation.
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