Our current president fails miserably when it comes to supporting the real heroes of the world - our greatest generation - our WWII veterans.
Once again, he refuses to think about them at all. Maybe because the majority (100%) of the D-Day Landing casualties were non-black? Or maybe because of the time he spent with domestic terrorists, socialist, hate-spewing black supremest pastors, or just plain communists?
Whatever the reason, this disgusts me to no end. Even if he personally doesn't give a shit, why can't he act presidential for once and at least have a speechwriter give some platitudes on a piece of paper and post it on the white house website. Or, for God's sake, just twitter it, you idiot. Anything.
But, no. You, mr. president, completely ignore it like it means NOTHING! You no good communist.
One of the most significant days, not only in US History, but in European and even World History, and you simply ignore it. But let me young man die in Florida and you're all over it. Just like stink on shit.
I simply can not wait until January when you will be relieved of your present duties. I am sad though because then you can be another mouthy, leftist former-president who has an opinion about everything - even if you are wrong about everything.
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